The Expungement Process Offers A Fresh Start
When people have completed their sentence after a criminal conviction, they are said…
Expanded Expungement Bill Gives Thousands of Michigan Residents a Second Chance
Michigan now has an expanded “expungement” law, which means if you have…
Reasons Why Your DUI Charge Might Be Thrown Out
If you were charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Michigan, the legal…
Risks and Consequences of Drugged Driving in Michigan
According to the Michigan Department of State, it is unlawful in Michigan to…
Do You Need a Defense Lawyer? 8 Questions to Help You Decide
The stakes are high if you’ve been charged with assault. A question…
Detroit Defendants Suffer from Unfair Mandatory Minimums
Criminal defense lawyers know that when politicians in Detroit, Flint and all of…
Do You Need a Defense Lawyer for a Criminal Traffic Violation?
There are many different types of traffic offenses in Michigan. Some of…
Could Anti-DUI Tech Replace Field Sobriety Tests?
Usually, when people are stopped for drunk driving, it is by the…
Computer Sex Crimes Defense
Being charged with a computer sex crime is a serious matter. As…