Criminal Defense Attorneys
Flint, Michigan

(810) 238-0500

Building a Detroit OWI Defense When You Refused to Take a Chemical Test

All drivers who take their vehicles on roads in Michigan give implied consent for chemical testing to be conducted to determine if the driver is illegally impaired behind the wheel. The website for the Secretary of State explains the implied consent law, as well as the consequences for refusing chemical testing. If you unreasonably refuse a test,...

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How Strict is Michigan for OWI Offenders?

Every state in the United States sets its own laws on drunk driving. Although there is some uniformity (for example, .08 is the blood alcohol concentration limit nationwide), there are also significant variations in state laws and penalties imposed. The stricter the potential consequences for conviction, the more important it becomes to mount a successful...

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Should Police go Into Bars to Perform Breath Tests?

To encourage responsible behavior over the Memorial Day Weekend (one of the biggest drinking days of the year, with a high percentage of drunk driving accidents), police rolled out a new program.  Three teams of uniformed police officers entered popular drinking facilities including bars and restaurants. Officers had breath tests, and the program's purpose was reportedly to provide more...

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Miranda Warning and Your Flint DWI Case

When police don't read you your rights while asking you questions, there are times when evidence obtained during the questioning can't be used against you. You can petition to have evidence suppressed, which means the judge rules a prosecutor cannot present it. In DWI cases, an experienced DWI defense lawyer can sometimes help defendants avoid...

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Detroit Defendants Face Risk of Civil Forfeiture

The U.S. Attorney General announced changes to civil forfeiture rules several months ago in response to complaints that people were having their property taken unjustly. These changes, however, applied only to a very small number of instances of civil forfeiture that may affect people in Detroit, Flint and all of Michigan. Federal agencies still have...

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Flint Administrative DUI License Suspensions: What are Your Rights?

In Flint and throughout Michigan, refusal to submit to a test of bodily alcohol content (BAC) can trigger an automatic license suspension. The Michigan Department of State notes Michigan's implied consent laws require the automatic administrative suspension of your license for a one year period of time. This suspension is separate from any type of criminal...

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Michigan DUI Defendants and the Necessity Defense

If you are arrested for drunk driving in Flint, you have the right to defend yourself against the criminal charges that you are facing. There are different potential defenses that you could raise depending upon your specific circumstances. A DUI defense lawyer can provide you with advice on whether you have options for defenses available...

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