Key Facts About Michigan’s Laws On DUIs Causing Death
The consequences for a Michigan DUI Causing Death charge are severe and…
Just In: Sharks Win!
Read about Manley & Manley’s most recent victory in court For nearly…
Is It Illegal to Film Police in Michigan?
A Flint Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Your Rights Video that appears to…
Is Shooting Someone In Self-Defense A Crime?
In Michigan, you have the right to use deadly force to defend…
Increased DUI Enforcement in Flint Over The Thanksgiving Holiday
Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family. For many, it is…
Can Police Trick You Into A Confession?
It is almost always legal for police to lie during interrogations. In…
Impaired-Driving Prevention Technology Could Become The Standard in Michigan
Facing DUI charges (referred to as OWI in Michigan) can have a serious personal…
Defending Immigrants Facing Criminal Charges
If you clicked on this link because you saw immigrant in the title,…
Human Trafficking Cases Are on the Rise in Mid-Michigan As Task Forces Conduct Sting Operations
Michigan sex crimes attorneys explain the serious charges arrestees may face Several…