Criminal Defense Attorneys
Flint, Michigan

(810) 238-0500

The Pros and Cons of Plea Bargains in Criminal Cases

When you are charged with a crime you can invoke your Constitutional right to take your case to trial. But it may be better to seek a plea bargain with the prosecutor. Making a decision is difficult but Attorney Michael P. Manley can help you with a strategy designed to get you the best result....

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What You Should Know About DUI Penalties in Michigan

Many drivers who are arrested for a DUI in Michigan may believe going to jail is the worst consequence they can face. However, there are several other penalties that can follow a DUI charge for months and even years. Michigan takes a harsh stance on drunk driving. After a DUI arrest, law enforcement officers might...

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How Body Camera Footage Can Affect Your Criminal Case

So it’s happened. You’ve been arrested and charged with a crime. But you know there’s a lot more to the story. That’s why it’s so important to contact an attorney as soon as you can. Police have been wearing body cameras only for the last several years, but they have proven to be crucial in...

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What Constitutes an Illegal Search?

Ever since the formation of the Transportation Security Administration and their arrival in airports, the Fourth Amendment has been a constant topic of debate. The discussion raises new concerns regarding high-profile arrests, data collection by intelligence agencies, and even traffic cameras. The amendment, which protects against “unreasonable searches and seizures,” has required interpretation throughout American...

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Why You Shouldn’t Talk to the Police

The Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights states: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war...

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Harsh Federal Drug Policy Underway

The federal government has reopened the “War on Drugs,” at the same time putting many Michigan residents in the line of fire of overzealous prosecutors. As reported by The Washington Post, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered some 5,000 federal prosecutors to seek the most severe charges and penalties possible in drug cases. Critics, including...

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The Severe Penalties for Illegal Opioid Possession in Michigan

Across the United States, opioid abuse is on the rise at unprecedented rates. National Public Radio reports on the designation of the opioid crisis as a public health emergency by the Trump Administration. Governors of several states have declared their own states of emergency in order to access state and federal funding to combat the...

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New Saliva Tests Could Potentially Affect the Legal Rights of Flint Drivers

For many years, defense attorneys have questioned the accuracy of field tests such as portable breath tests and preliminary drug tests. Now, the Michigan State Police have begun using roadside saliva tests in order to examine for certain types of drugs. This raises important legal questions about the accuracy of this new testing. With the...

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Increased DUI Enforcement in Flint Over the Thanksgiving Holiday

Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family. For many, it is also a time for drinking. Thanksgiving is one of many holidays during which police around the country step up their DUI enforcement efforts. Drivers should use particular caution during this time, and be prepared for checkpoints and other enforcement strategies. If you are...

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Why A Fair Trial is Difficult for Michigan DUI-Marijuana Charges

Over the past several decades, DUI laws across the country have been strengthened, and law enforcement efforts have been targeted and expanded. These efforts have significantly reduced the incidents of drunk driving. Unfortunately, drugged driving laws have not received the same thorough treatment as drunk driving laws. This has led to ambiguities in the law...

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