Domestic Violence Attorney Michigan
The attorneys at Manley & Manley in Flint, MI will take your domestic violence charge seriously
Domestic violence charges typically involve assault of a family member, including a spouse or child. A man or woman can be accused of domestic violence by a roommate or by a sexual partner, however.
These cases can be extremely complicated for several reasons. The main reason often involves different accounts of the same events. The person charged with domestic violence might deny assaulting the person altogether. As a result, your case could become a matter of "he said-she said." The criminal defense attorneys at Manley & Manley can help.
The standard for charging someone with domestic violence is often lower than the standard for assault and other violent crimes. Even if there is no physical evidence of abuse, you could still be charged. You might also be charged even if your accuser wants to drop the charges. In such cases, police departments and prosecutors might continue to press charges.
One of the most troubling aspects of domestic violence charges is the fact that many people are falsely accused. These cases sometimes arise out of child custody disputes and other divorce-related matters. Sometimes, the false allegation comes out of anger or jealousy. In many of these cases, the accuser recants, but the criminal charges won't be dropped.
What is the penalty for a domestic violence conviction?
Domestic violence charges can have serious consequences. A mere accusation or arrest can tarnish someone's reputation. If you are convicted of domestic violence, you could be fined and face time in jail. You could even lose custody of your children in certain cases. If you are convicted of domestic violence in Michigan, you could face the following penalties under Michigan law:
First Domestic Violence Conviction
- Up to 93 days in jail
- Up to $500 fine
Second Domestic Violence Conviction
- Up to 1 year in jail
- Up to $1,000 fine
Third Domestic Violence Conviction
- Up to 2 years in jail
- Up to $2,500 fine
Why should I hire attorney Manley for my domestic violence case?
Even if you know you did nothing wrong, the police, the prosecutor, the judge and the jury might see things differently. You don't have to confront such a difficult ordeal on your own. Talk to an experienced Michigan domestic violence lawyer today.
The criminal defense attorneys at Manley & Manley have defended clients charged with domestic violence throughout Central Michigan. We understand how the legal system works and we have the case results to prove it. Schedule a free case evaluation today. Call (810) 238-0500.